Amish Light Show
from DarkGlow

by DJ Koren

Tune to 89.5FM

Want your own show?

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Check out our one of a kind Christmas Light Show!
Running Every night 5:00pm to Midnight!
Tune your radio to 89.5FM for the best experience!

Located at 3100 Gretna Rd Branson, MO 65616

Across from Grace Church, near the Immersive Disney Animation.

Stand out front and listen to the show or Tune to 89.5FM to stay warm and cozy in your car.

To make it as easy as possible for you to find the Amish Country Store.
We have links baby!!

If you're using a paper did you open this website on your flip phone?

Days Left Till Christmas!

Want your own show?

You can get in contact by emailing